DDUGU question papers

Gorakhpur University

bca 1 sem computer fundamental and office automation bca 101n dec 2015


B.C.A. (First Semester)


(New Course)

Paper - First


[Time: Three Hours]              (Maximum Marks: 75]

Note: Attempt Questions from all the sections as directed.


Short Answer Type Questions

Note: Attempt all questions from this section. Each Question will carry 3 marks.

Q. 1. A) What is an input interface? How it differs from an output interface? Explain the Computer System with Block Diagram.

B) What is the difference between High-Level-Language & Low-Level-Language

C) Write down DOS commands to delete-

(i) All files having extension name ".BAK" from drive C.

(ii) All files from the XYZ directory located in drive C under the window directory.

(iii) The file ABC.DOC from root directory in drive A

D). Solve the following-

(1) Divide (1101)2 by (101)2

(ii) Multiply binary number 1100 & 1010.

(iii) Subtract (25)10 from (50)10 using complementary method.

E) What are Macros in the MS-Word? What do they do?

F) Write an Algorithm to check, whether the given number is Armstrong or not?

G) What is the procedure to select multiple non- adjacent ranges of cell?

H) What is justification? Explain briefly the ways a paragraph in MS-WORD document can be justified.

I) Differentiate between Assembler, Compiler & Interpreter?



Note: Attempt any two questions from this section. Each Question will carry 12 marks.

Q.2. (a) Explain computer generation with their technology?

(b) List the logical steps taken by a computer system along with the roles of its main unit in each step while transforming input data to useful information for presentation to a user

Q.3. Differentiate between-

(a) SRAM & DRAM.

(b) Mini & Mainframe Computer

(c) Application S/W & System S/W.

(d) Primary & Secondary Memory

Q.4. Convert the following

(a) (FAB)1 -------- > (?)2

(b) (1001.011)2 --------- > (?)2

(c) (125)2 ---------- > (?)4

(d) (247.65)5  -------- > (?)10

Q.5. (a) What is a Flowchart? What are the various basic symbols used in Flow Charting? Draw a flow chart to check, whether the given number is even or odd?

(b) Explain the advantages of an Algorithm.




Note: Attempt any two questions from this section. Each Question will carry 12 marks.

Q. 6 What is sorting? How can you sort a cell range in MS-Excel? Explain with an example.

(b) What is function in MS-Excel? What function is used for counting the numbers? How can you display maximum value within the range C4:C9?

Q. 7 What is the advantages of using index in MS-Access database?

(b) How can you create a MS-Access form & Describes the "One -to-many relationship in MS-Access? (c) What is the use of design view in MS-Access table?

Q.8. (a) What is slide transition? How can you apply the same slide transition at a time?

(b) Write the steps to change back ground colour on all slides within a presentation?

(c) What is chart of MS-Excel? Explain any three chart of MS Excel.

Q. 9. Write short notes on-

A). Mail-Merge

B) Auto fill in MS-Excel

C) Bullets and Numbering

D) Task Bar & Title Bar

E) Paste & Paste Special

F). Slide show view MS-ppt.


Download bca 1 sem computer fundamental and office automation bca 101n dec 2015

Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur